
Bocadero is located in a part of the city that is undergoing development. This might influence the traffic circulation and public transportation to reach Bocadero. We try to inform you of changing traffic situations as quickly as possible. You can always consult this website for more information concerning the circulation in/out of Antwerp.

It can be easier to travel to Bocadero using public transportation or by bike.

Plan your journey here or

Use a Vélo
The closest Vélo station is in the Amsterdamstraat. More information on

Come by train
It is easy to reach Bocadero from Antwerp Central Station. Use the bus or tram line below to minimize the walk.
More information on

Come by tram
Tram 24 (from Silsburg to Havenhuis), get off at terminus Antwerpen London, departs every 10 minutes. (walk 700 m)

Met de bus
Bus 17 (from UZA via Centraal Station to Brouwersvliet), get off at terminus Felixpakhuis. (walk1 km)

Come by car
Waagnatie car park or park in the neighborhood.